To be authentic or not to be! is the question

Growing of the potential energy always followed by growing of the kinetic energy, but in time of the internet, that is not the case.
Twenty-five years ago my online school had the potential global market 0.1% of world population, today have 50%, but the income of the school have been inversely proportional.
The drop in income was awful and my reaction had to be the same. I closed the online school and continued business like Youtuber educator. That switch happened a year ago. At first, I had income from Google AdSense, but since four months ago the new rule started. The income is paused until I would have collected 1000 followers and 4000 impressions/yearly. This moment I have 145 followers and 300 impressions/yearly.
Internet and English language are keys to accessing three and a half billion potential customers. Hey, people, do you hear it? Three and a half billion!
Plus! That keys for access are totally free for all. Unbelievable, something that has never seen in the history of the business. All that a man needs is to be born.
What is in the aftermath of that?
  1. Every minute Youtube is richer for 400 hours of content.
  2. Every minute Youtube is richer for 400 hours of free content.
  3. Every minute Youtubers are poorer for 400 hours of man's impressions.
Which card do I play?
  1. My content must be authentic.
  2. My content must be authentic.
  3. My content must be authentic.
To be authentic or not to be! is the question.
